Engaging Places to Make
Healthy Choices Easier
Every community contains dozens of areas that are ripe for the kinds of improvements Blue Zones Project® seeks out. We break all those down into five categories: Schools, Worksites, Grocery Stores, Restaurants, and Participating Organizations (Civic Group, Club, Faith-Based, HOA, Non-Profit, or Other). When we enlist these influential bedrocks of the community as partners, we can create real, lasting well-being transformation.

Why well-being
While many traditional health initiatives focus on diet and exercise programs, Blue Zones Project aims to comprehensively change a community’s environment so that individuals are regularly nudged into making healthy choices. We take a systematic approach to improving well-being through policy, building design, social networks, and built environment.
How to get started
Are you interested in cultivating health- and longevity-improving environments and opportunities for your customers, employees, students, or congregation? The first step is filling out a simple registration form.

Building a healthier community